30 for 30: Taraweeh Reflections Day 7


Today's reflection emerged unexpectedly, as I found myself overhearing a conversation while waiting for the Isha adhan. Two individuals were discussing a community member's remarkable transformation during this Ramadan. One of the men said “Yea, all of sudden she’s wearing a hijab now, what’s the point when you’re gonna be back to partying in 20 something days..”. It struck a chord with me, not because of the specifics of their conversation, but because it illuminated a profound aspect of Ramadan that often goes unspoken: the power of this holy month to redefine us, and the importance of not judging others by their pasts and instead encouraging people in their efforts.

Ramadan serves as a divine reminder that we are all a work in progress, continuously striving on our paths towards improvement. It's a time when the gates of mercy are flung wide open, inviting every soul to seek forgiveness, to start anew, and to redefine who they are in the eyes of the Divine. This sacred period teaches us that no one is bound by their past actions; rather, we are defined by our present efforts and intentions.

As I absorbed the essence of their conversation, I got increasingly annoyed and wondered if they realize each one of us is carrying the weight of our own stories, struggles, and past mistakes. I wonder how they would feel if people went around talking about their pasts. Ramadan offers a unique opportunity to shed our transgressions, to embrace the mercy of Allah, and to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal. Why do we tend to keep people in the same box when they’re trying to evolve?

Who are we to judge others, when Allah, the Most Merciful, is ever ready to forgive and guide? I couldn’t just sit there and listen to their back talking so I reminded them that we were in a masjid. I sat there quietly afterwards, reflecting on my own journey and the countless times I've sought forgiveness for my own missteps.

Let us reward the inherent potential for goodness and transformation within every individual. Just as the night sky gives way to the dawn of a new day, so too can individuals change, evolve, and emerge brighter than before. As I move forward in this blessed month, I want to remind you and myself to embrace each person we encounter with an open heart, free from the shadows of judgment. In doing so, I hope we can truly embody the spirit of Ramadan: a time of forgiveness, renewal, and boundless hope.

May this Ramadan inspire us all to view one another through a lens of compassion and understanding, recognizing that we are all travelers on a journey towards betterment. And in this shared journey, let us offer our support, encouragement, and prayers for one another; because in the reflection of our collective stories of redemption, we find the true essence of unity and the boundless mercy of the Almighty. Ameen.