30 for 30: Taraweeh Reflections Day 22
Today, on day twenty-two, one question that keeps coming throughout the day has been, "Why are you doing that?" Niyyah (intention) is at the top of my mind. A concept that I fall back on as a guiding compass in keeping myself in check in my actions, words, and engagements.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Actions are according to intentions, and everyone will get what was intended." This hadith is a constant reminder that the essence of my faith lies in the sincerity of my heart.
Sometimes, I fall into the trap of performing acts of worship out of habit. But I've realized during this Ramadan that Allah has been helping me reconnect with the essence of my faith, helping me to purify my intentions, and ensuring that my actions are driven by a genuine love for his sake.
I feel a sense of peace and purpose when I act with pure intentions. My actions feel more connected to my purpose. Conversely, when my intentions are clouded by ego or self-serving desires, I feel a sense of disconnection from my purpose and spend days, weeks, and sometimes even months in a tailspin, lost without my compass.
As I move forward in this blessed month and beyond, I am committed to purifying my intentions in all that I do. I will strive to be mindful of my motivations, to act with sincerity, and to ensure that my actions truly reflect my faith and my love for Allah.