30 for 30: Taraweeh Reflections Day 27


Day 27? Smh, Ramadan is really ending, Sad mun tings. Let's tap into the beauty of active listening. Islam teaches us about active listening, introducing it as a sacred act, a testament to our compassion and respect for one another.

Today, as I sat with a friend pouring their heart out, I consciously silenced the inner chatter of my mind. Instead of formulating responses or judgments, I actively listened to his words, emotions, and unspoken words he didn't want to share. It was a moment of stillness, of genuine presence, and judgment-free. Today, I feel closer to my brother; a connection has blossomed.

The Quran itself is a testament to the power of listening. Allah (SWT) addresses us directly, inviting us to listen, reflect, and internalize His message. He says: "So pay attention and listen to the sayings of Allah and His Messenger, so that you may find mercy" (3:132). This divine command extends beyond simply hearing words; it calls for a deep engagement, an active seeking of meaning and understanding.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) exemplified active listening through his interactions with his companions. He would listen attentively, offering his full presence and engaging with their concerns and questions. He taught us that true listening involves not just our ears but also our hearts and minds.

This experience today moved me because genuinely listening to my brother being vulnerable and making space for him opened a new gate for me in my growth journey. A simple conversation turned into an opportunity for connection and learning. It has deepened our relationships, allowing me to offer support and comfort more meaningfully. It has also been a humbling experience, reminding me that everyone has something valuable to share (https://www.besouba.com/tell), and every story holds a lesson.

In the final days of this blessed month, May we strive to create spaces where everyone feels heard and valued, fostering stronger connections and a more compassionate community. I'm committed to being present, listening with my heart, and offering the gift of my full attention to those around me. By actively listening, I can discover the stories of others and have a deeper understanding of myself and my connection to Allah.