30 for 30: Taraweeh Reflections Day 18


On day 18, I want to talk about the joy that comes from celebrating the successes and achievements of others. In a world often consumed by competition and self-interest, this holy month offers a powerful reminder of the importance of genuine support and shared happiness.

Today, I started this group chat with five other friends. They had no idea the group chat was coming or what it was about. I named the chat "A space to be vulnerable" and led with the first message without context by sharing an answered dua from Allah. It is a small victory for my long-term goal of being a trusted, knowledgeable leader. It meant a lot for my psyche, and I wanted to share it with someone in a similar situation. So, I shared. The responses that followed had me shedding some thug tears. My brothers gave me nothing but positive, loving, and encouraging words.

To my surprise, everyone else started sharing stories of answered prayers and small victories. Each story was met with genuine joy, happiness, and prayers for continued blessings to the person sharing their story. Bro, I could feel the smiles on everyone's faces through the blue messages ( 👀). The genuine warmth in everyone's words and the collective outpouring of love created an atmosphere of unity and belonging that I've never felt before.

Keeping this spirit at taraweeh, I silently prayed for the acceptance of the duas of those around me in the masjid, for their wins to be magnified and their struggles eased. This act of praying for others, of genuinely desiring their happiness and success, felt like a beautiful act of worship, an offering of love to Allah for His creation.

Moving forward, I will start these random group chats to encourage more celebrations of each other, taking the time to acknowledge our wins and thank Allah for his mercy. Then, on my own, I'm making a conscious decision to actively celebrate the successes of others, no matter how small, whether it is a friend completing a personal goal, a colleague receiving recognition for their work, or a family member who's trying to come to America.

There are countless famous sayings and quotes about this, but i'll leave you with this one from Nelson Mandela:

"Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water, and salt for all. Let each know that for each, the body, the mind, and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves."

As we approach the end of this blessed month, I pray that we carry this spirit of celebrating others beyond Ramadan. May we continue to uplift and support one another, sharing in each other's joys and offering encouragement during times of difficulty. May we create communities where genuine support and shared happiness become the norm, reflecting the true essence of our faith.

And lastly, let us remember to pray to Allah to accept the duas of others. In doing so, we not only express our love and support for them but also invite Allah's blessings and favor upon ourselves. For in the joy of others, we find our own joy, and in their success, we find our own success. Ameen.