What's Next?


It’s May 18th, 2016, I’m sitting in the stands at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx, it’s about 87 degrees out on a beautiful Wednesday morning. It’s Commencement Day; there’s excitement in the air. The right side of the stadium is painted in NYU’s violet purple with graduates below and family members cheering on the accomplishments of their loved ones from above. The stadium is filled with the sounds of horns, screams, and people complaining about the cost of the food.

I’m sitting with a group of friends and some of my favorite administrators—Phylicia, Florby, Fatiah to name a few. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves; looking for family members, shaking cowbells, and taking photos. With a half smile on my face, I sit deep in my thoughts. Instead of taking in the moment to celebrate with my friends, I’m thinking about the future; focused steadfastly on what the near future holds—moving to Michigan, getting my own place, buying my first car, all of these next steps I need to do.

It’s April 20th, 2018, I woke up in my own apartment, drove my car to work, and now I sit at my desk deep in my thoughts wondering about the distant future—where will I end up in my career, where will I live, who will I marry, all of these big decisions I should make. As these thoughts begin to manifest, a coworker taps me on the shoulder to tell me that we’re having a fire drill and everyone is being asked to evacuate. I slowly get up from my seat, pick up my phone, and began walking toward the exit. As I make my way outside, I realize that I could’ve been in serious trouble if there was an actual fire in my work area. Standing outside in the parking lot, leaning against a car with my legs crossed I began lecturing myself on being zoned out so often.

Commencement Day came to mind, I missed the entire moment because I was too consumed with the future instead of enjoying myself at that instant. As I reflect more and more on the situation, I realize that I am living for the future. I constantly find myself eagerly anticipating the next step in my life—high school, college, post-grad—as if where I am or what I’m doing now is not satisfying.

I recognize that if I continue on this path, I will miss my entire life. The more time I spend consumed with what could be, is time wasted ignoring what is now. While I've generally viewed myself as a thoughtful and deliberate person, I never noticed the many occasions I’ve missed by being zoned out wondering about the future. Although planning for our future ensures that we are prepared for what may come, as I continue to grow and find the world beyond what I initially envisioned, it is essential for me to take a break and realize where I am… so I promise to live in the moment, enjoy the moment, and create memories.

Here are some moments and memories I’ve enjoyed recently during a trip with some friends:
